The SDRCC provides assistance in all steps of behavioral health care:
Emergency support.
The SDRCC provides assistance in all steps of behavioral health care. Referrals and resources stem mainly from community education workshops, as well as one-on-one individual referrals for clients. The SDRCC trains staff who, monthly, lead workshops about behavioral health literacy to increase participants’ knowledge about and comfort with their local sources of aid. This both furthers peer support, as the trainers stem from the same communities as the workshop participants, and increases the likelihood that SDRCC staff will be able to connect with and properly assist their community members.

A warm Community Support Line is available Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM in 10 different languages to openly assist those in need of immediate assistance.
Individual meetings with clients are directed by the community members, and held with staff who have had similar experiences. This peer support, which is available to groups as well as individuals, seeks to reduce isolation by providing mutual support, hosting meetings wherever the clients feel most comfortable – for example, hiking and talking – and facilitating vulnerable conversations. The SDRCC staff works with community members to develop plans for self-identified needs.
The SDRCC currently has behavioral programs stationed at five of its organizations – the Karen Organization of San Diego, License to Freedom, United Women of East Africa Support Team, the Southern Sudanese Community Center, and the Refugee Assistance Center. By following the tenet of “service by the community, for the community,” they hope to provide comfortable support that promotes wellness, recovery, and resilience among the coalition’s various members.
service by the community, for the community