Internships and Fellowships

Media Specialist Internship
The San Diego Refugee Communities Coalition (SDRCC) Media Specialist Internship, funded by Kaiser Permanente, enlisted a cohort of youth interns in Spring of 2022 to produce media content that highlights programming being done by the coalition. The goal of the program is to uplift services and resources available to populations supported by SDRCC. The internship ran from March to June 2022, with a paid stipend and certificate of completion.
The cohort is made up of 6 youths ranging from ages 16 to 20, working with various Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBOs) from the United Women of East Africa Support Team (UWEAST) to the Karen Organization of San Diego (KOSD). Interns are responsible for creating infographics about COVID-19, conducting interviews with organizational staff, writing blog posts for publication on the SDRCC website, and working in tandem with the ECBOs that make up the coalition to support their needs.
Media Specialist Interns work collaboratively to create media content that puts forth the best material possible for the communities SDRCC serves.
The interns meet weekly to check in, reflect on previous tasks, and receive new assignments based on new coalition needs. Interns provide each other with feedback on previous work, and decide which assignment each intern or pair of students will work on for the following week. The internship encourages the cohort to develop their skill sets as they learn to create different forms of media under time constraints and strengthen their adaptability to rapid changes.
SDRCC strives to continue to nourish San Diego communities by pulling together collaborative partners and working towards the same goals. The purpose of the Media Specialist Internship is to encourage youth from the rising generation to make a difference for their communities by spreading knowledge of different resources and support systems available to them.
COVID-19 Social Media Internship
The Media Specialist Internship, funded by Kaiser Permanente, enlisted a cohort of youth interns to produce media content that highlights programming being done by the coalition. The goal of the program was to uplift services and resources available to populations supported by SDRCC. The internship ran from March to June 2022, with a paid stipend and certificate of completion.
This year’s cohort numbered 13 youth from ages 15 to 20, spanning across 10 different refugee and immigrant communities and working with various Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBOs) from the United Women of East Africa Support Team (UWEAST) to the Karen Organization of San Diego (KOSD).

From this group, 11 languages were represented: English, Arabic, Dari, Pashto, Tamizh/Tamil, Hindi, Karen, Tagalog, Kizigua, Somali, and Chaldean/Aramaic.
The interns meet weekly to check in, reflect on previous tasks, and receive new assignments based on new coalition needs. Interns provide each other with feedback on previous work, and decide which assignment each intern or pair of students will work on for the following week. The internship encourages the cohort to develop their skill sets as they learn to create different forms of media under time constraints and strengthen their adaptability to rapid changes.
SDRCC strives to continue to nourish San Diego communities by pulling together collaborative partners and working towards the same goals. The purpose of the Media Specialist Internship is to encourage youth from the rising generation to make a difference for their communities by spreading knowledge of different resources and support systems available to them.